Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Bees Knees

I'm a big fan of backyard business. My parents always fed birds, had a house for the purple martins, etc. Out at our farm, my dad always leaves grain on the ground for the deer, and down south in Mesa my mom has hummingbird feeders all over the place. Personally, I love bees, I think they are cute, and I often find myself compelled to "pet" them?!
The more flowers in a back yard the better, to attract the bees (and butterflies, birds and others of course).
A bee in my back yard!
And now we don't get much for pretty hummingbirds in Alberta, but the feeders! There are beautiful ones, almost like art...if not to see hummingbirds, perhaps just to enjoy the light reflecting in something like this...

Oh and finally, I bought myself a little friend...
It's the Travelocity gnome! YEY!

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