Thursday, June 16, 2011

Still Raining

Poor Alberta has suffered some awful weather rained all last summer in record amounts, then snowed record amounts all winter; it was freezing all winter, and now June 16, 2011, we have yet to experience any weather warmer than 20 degrees C. We've had maybe a week of sunshine, and we've had rain otherwise.

It sucks- thankfully I've been able to get away on some pretty rad vacations, but COME ON! I had to cut riding season short last year....the mosquitoes, as a result of the torrential rain fall were the size of cats and they HATED me and my horse. This spring, I've been out once, and we had to go out when it was really windy to keep the evil mosquitoes (as a result of this spring's rainfalls) away. I wanted to get out this Saturday, but alas, rain in the forecast, so we will play it by ear. The sort of good news about being unemployed for the time-being, is that I can go out whenever it clears up.

My Happy Family- first and only venture out so far this year:(
House is coming along- shingles are on, we are well on our way to finalizing custom garage doors...I order the lighting on Monday...but now that my contract is officially over, the final pay cheque in the bank, I'm too anxious about zero income to be very excited anymore....oy.

Dear Joa:
Get on with it....

Dear Shitty Weather:
Stop sucking and bring Sun back.

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