Today, I feel what will likely grow with time to become arthritis in my hands. I once hand screwed over 100 screws into a platform bed frame in 30 degree heat well into the wee hours of the morning. My thumb joint and tendons on the right hand have never been the same.
When I walk, my left knee feels something- I don't want to say pain, I don't want to say throb, but there is a feeling there that is definitely not one associated with youth and vibrancy.
I woke up to a slight headache (though that may be the result of my recent divulge into the morning coffee scene, and my ongoing back annoyances continue (again, I hesitate to consider any of this "pain" for my ignorance of the future and actual pain is clear).
I MUST change my ways. On the eve of my 30th year, I must find a way to regain a sense of mind is there, I just need my body to join me.
Dear Betsy Johnson, how do you do it? c/o Project Runway: Live Journal |
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